Next week I will be attending FOUR days of FABULOUS mixed media workshops with SETH APTER !!! I've been waiting for this event for months.....and I'm getting nervous.
With my supply list in hand, I keep putting stuff in my bag, and then taking it out. I have so much in my stash it's hard to choose.
We'll be altering books..... the following are Seth's work.
We'll be making a dossier.....a handmade journal for use after the workshop is over. This will require learning some mixed media techniques and simple binding.
Seth Apter |
We'll be doing what Seth calls '52 card pick-up'....altering 52 playing cards.
Seth Apter |
Is that intimidating... or what!
Don't expect to hear from me for weeks!!! After this lot I'll be doing plenty of sleeping. The days will mostly run from about 8.30 am - 10 pm. Up 'til 5pm is workshop, then after 7pm an 'event' of some kind. Thank heavens it's not far from home....I'll be a zombie on the road.
Eventually you'll see photos.....XXOX
Whenever I'm working I get in a mess......sometimes even when I'm not working.
On the easel at the moment is this painting -
Where's it going? the moment I haven't a clue, but I'm thinking about it.
Here's what my painting trolley looks like most of the time. I do clean up, but that doesn't last long. Almost every moment in the studio I need a new colour, or to find some tip in a book (or just inspiration).
Occasionally I retreat backwards to an older style, often just to work out a problem.....
...but this isn't satisfying at all. My frustration is a sure sign that I'm about to make a leap Let's keep faith in that concept.
Each year, in the US summer, Rinda of Gallo Organico has a photo scavenger hunt challenge. This really appeals to me, as some of the necessary 'finds' are quite quirky. Usually we are on holidays somewhere interesting, but this year we are at home. It has been an opportunity to look at my surroundings with new eyes.
Here's this year's list...and my finds :
1. A sign welcoming
people to your home town (or a nearby town)
The CALOUNDRA sign is in the centre of a roundabout on the highway into our city. While it doesn't actually say welcome, it is the welcoming indication that you have entered the city's perimeter.
2. A garden gnome
I found this little chappie in the grounds of a local pre-school. Well-worn, and worn well.
3. Birds on a wire
This was easy-peasy. We walk every morning and there are always birds on wires. They often remind me of musical notes.
4. A group of tourists
Tourists are a part of life here. We have a fabulous coastline that attracts visitors from all over.
5. A rack of post cards
Kangaroos, koalas, beach scenes...that's what this place is all about.....the lucky country.
6. An urban street scene
Warm nights mean al fresco dining in a beachside suburb.
7. A rural landscape
The hinterland is ten minutes away. From these hills the views to the coast are fabulous.
8. A tattoo on a person
I was watching henna tattooing at a local fair. This photo replaced one I had of a 'real' tattoo. The real one was on the thigh of a young friend and is the names of her much-loved children.
9. A bakery
An assistant with 'L' plates! What next?
10. A photo bomb (someone found lurking in the background of photo; the lurker
may have intended to disrupt the picture or may be doing it unintentionally,
but the background lurker is a surprise to the photographer)
I wanted Brenden to wear the chandelier as a hat, and was oblivious to his wife hiding behind him. Believe it or not!
11. A horn
Well, they ARE horns.
12. A mascot
Not being a great sports follower I despaired of getting this one. Eventually, while browsing around an op shop (as one does), I found a pack of playing cards with our mascot (Matilda) from the 1982 Commonwealth Games on the back. Needless to say it is now part of my 'stash'.
13. A sunrise
The view from our barbecue deck VERY early one recent morning.
14. A parade
Parades are relatively hard to come by in Australia. I thought this parade of cattle came close.
15. A juggler
While dining in a restaurant near a park I saw this young man juggling various things. It's the only juggler I've seen. Leaving my meal, and to the astonishment of other diners, I grabbed my camera and hurtled off to the park to accost him. He was very obliging, and I returned to enjoy my excellent meal.
16. A sign in a language other than English
The window of a local Japanese restaurant was the only one I could find.
17. A lamp post
This is the promenade along one of our magnificent local beaches. It must've been cold that day as there's not a soul in sight.
18. A waterfall
A man-made waterfall is at the entrance to a local resort.
19. A public garden
These days all our newly developed suburbs include wonderful walkways and gardens. We visit this one quite regularly on our morning walk.
20. A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper or RV) with a picture painted on its
A dash of patriotism....a bus with our flag. I'm still looking for a more fascinating picture.
21. A photograph of you with something representing the season
This 'beanie' and pashmina only come out of the cupboard in winter. It's quite cold early in the morning (walking time), but by 9-9.30 am almost warm enough to swim.
The following photo is specially for Rinda. One of the things we had to find LAST YEAR was a cloud in the shape of something. I had such a difficult time finding one and this year they are everywhere.
This one is unmistakable:
...a running obvious!
It's been fun...thanks Rinda....see you next year.